Internet Marketing News

I read this great article the other day written by James Parsons on this website blog called  The author suggests that the majority of Facebook content is reposted and shared by other members and that only a small amount of content on Facebook is actually originally written.  This article is intended to promote content
Although a Facebook page is free to create, and can be a great way to help promote your business online, it is absolutely no substitute for your own business website. We'll break down why posting your unique content exclusively on social media networks, and most importantly, NOT your own website could be helping Facebook's bottom line more than your own!
Does blogging help SEO?  Yes, of course blogging improves your SEO!  There are many reasons why blogging affects your SEO in a positive way. This article will touch base on 3 of those reasons. 1. Long tail keywords and originally written content is what google loves to serve When you use unique words and phrases,