Internet Marketing News
7 Essential Steps to Write an Effective Marketing Strategy
Friday, 04 September 2020
Your marketing strategy is the way you communicate your message to your target audience or customers. It can help you achieve goals, such as raising brand awareness or increasing your sales. Everything you do, say, or write as a brand or business is a part of your marketing strategy. To make sure you’re doing it
- Published in Guest Post, Internet Marketing, News
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7 Web Design Trends to Embrace in 2020
Friday, 06 March 2020
Web design is a quickly-changing industry. Each year brings something new to the table and trends constantly come and go. Naturally, there are those evergreen web design trends that never go out of fashion. But, there are some new styles, tricks, techniques, and ideas emerging as well. This is why every web designer needs to
- Published in Gordo Web Design, Guest Post, Internet Marketing, Websites
6 Cognitive Psychology Tricks for UX Design Excellence
Tuesday, 28 January 2020
If you believe that graphic design skills and knowledge in marketing are the only things you need to create a good UX design, you are dead wrong. To make your website work effectively, you should also know how to use the science of psychology to enhance your design efforts. In this article, you will find
- Published in Gordo Web Design, Guest Post, Internet Marketing, Websites