Internet Marketing News

read together 6 Cognitive Psychology Tricks for UX Design Excellence - ecommerce website design seo
If you believe that graphic design skills and knowledge in marketing are the only things you need to create a good UX design, you are dead wrong. To make your website work effectively, you should also know how to use the science of psychology to enhance your design efforts. In this article, you will find

What do I need to start my website?

girl at lapto What do I need to start my website? - gordo web design what do i need to start my website 1170x780
So you've decided to build your website - you've made a great choice. Now you're at the point where you need to figure out the things that you need to put into place to actually get it done. I will go over the list of things you need to get this done as well as make some recommendations.
blog photo Organic SEO is 5.66 Times Better than Paid Search Ads - gwd blog 1170x607
With so many great tools and resources out there designed to help you grow your business, it can be challenging to focus on just one. Pay-per-click (PPC) and organic search engine optimization (SEO) are among some of the most popular strategies for getting your brand in front of the eyes of potential customers. However, does