Internet Marketing News

Big Data Technology For Business Finance Concept.
Marketing is an essential piece of every business. From getting the word out on social media to driving online sales, it’s what makes businesses successful. The digital world is in a constant state of flux, and so are the best marketing strategies. So how can small businesses keep up? The internet has made it possible
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Post the Covid-19 pandemic, the majority of the business operations have more or less moved online partly or entirely. There came many hurdles and pitfalls, but the world stood strong and resilient. 25% of the world population chose to go online with their daily shopping, but 75% of the world population still doesn’t shop online.
Planet Earth From Space
To say that the Coronavirus pandemic has influenced the business world would be a massive understatement. It has caused unprecedented levels of change in the economic world, and nowhere is this more apparent than digital transformation. While the world was headed in the direction of digital integration, the pandemic accelerated this process significantly. It has